WKCD at Your Hand's Reach 西九與你這樣近

West Kowloon Cultural District Authority partners with The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups to present “WKCD at Your Hand’s Reach” during the 2018 Hong Kong International a cappella Festival. Taking talented young singers around the city to bring world-class a cappella performances to local neighbourhoods, the project will introduce the West Kowloon Cultural District and its programmes to the community, adding a cultural flavor to everyone’s daily life.
A cappella music is group singing without instrumental accompaniment, featuring meticulous arrangements to showcase the rich versatility of the human voice. Not only is a cappella music enthralling to listen to, it is also intuitive and easy to learn, you too can do it, anytime, anywhere.
WKCD at Your Hand’s Reach’s mobile stage will tour around the city from 18-23 March. In the belief that art can have no boundaries young local singers will share the stage with three internationally acclaimed groups. Come visit our mobile stage and our Youth Art Ambassadors will offer you a closer look at the many happenings taking place at the West Kowloon Cultural District.
Detail 詳情
Date 日期 : 18 – 23 / 3 / 2018
Time 時間 : 12:00pm – 8:00pm 下午12時至晚上8時
Venue 地點 : Different locations in Hong Kong, route details to be announced at Facebook pagea acappella HK 全港各區,地點將於大會Facebook專頁 a cappella HK 公佈
Fee 費用 : Free 免費
For more information, please visit 詳情請瀏覽 : https://www.facebook.com/fygaca/
Enquiry 查詢 :
Telephone 電話 : 23955753
Email 電郵 : acappella@hkfyg.org.hk
Programme will be cancelled when a black rainstorm warning or a typhoon signal no. 8 or above is hoisted. Changes to programme under other inclement weather conditions will be announced at Facebook page a cappella HK 活動會在天文台宣布懸掛黑色暴雨警告訊號或八號烈風訊號生效時取消。個別活動或會因天氣情況而取消或作出調節。有關活動的最新消息,將於大會Facebook專頁a cappella HK公佈