
2018 Hong Kong International a cappella Contest - Finals




Mr. Ray Chu 朱元雷先生

Pop & Jazz Artistic Director, TCMC 台灣合唱音樂中心流行爵士藝術總監
Kaichiro Kitamura

Mr. Kaichiro Kitamura    北村嘉一郎先生

Member, HamonjiN and The idea of North, HamonjiN 及 The idea of North 成員
Ronald Ng Photo

Mr. Ronald Ng 伍樂城先生

音樂監製、作曲人 Music Producer/ Composer
伯樂音樂學院‭ ‬院長‬  President of Baron School of Music
RNLS Productions Limited 創辦人‭ ‬‬ Founder of RNLS Productions Limited
2011 年香港十大傑出青年 Winner of Ten Outstanding Persons 2011


Mr. Fung Kwok-tung 馮國東先生

Founding Member, Gay Singers
Founder, The Contemporary A cappella Society of Hong Kong and Macau


Introduction of Finalist


  • 嘉諾撒聖心書院
  • 聖保羅男女中學 - Virtuoso
  • 聖保羅男女中學 - Euphoria
  • 聖保羅男女中學 - Ukiyo
  • 聖士提反書院 - The Gents


嘉諾撒聖心書院培育了109名12到17歲對歌唱充滿熱誠而有才華的女子。 嘉諾撒聖心書院的合唱團每年都會參加香港校際音樂節並曾獲得不錯的成績。除了本地賽事外,她們亦踴躍地參與海外的國際比賽。 這隊來自嘉諾撒聖心書院的無伴奏合唱組合由15名中五的合唱團成員組成。至2010年開始,嘉諾撒聖心書院已開始參與香港國際無伴奏合唱節這次更是她們連續第九年參賽。上年,她們亦十分榮幸地獲得了冠軍和最佳舞台演繹獎。 除了參與無伴奏比賽外,她們亦參與了不少無伴奏的表現,如由東華三院所舉辦的 “Shine Your Life” 音樂表演。此表演目的是為宣傳正向思維並透過音樂聯繫社會中不同年齡或背景的人。 嘉諾撒聖心書院合唱團和其無伴奏合唱組合亦旨在培育團員對歌唱的興趣和熱誠。在此希望參加者不僅在表演和演唱技巧上有所進步,亦透過接觸各種各樣的音樂如聖樂和流行歌曲來豐富她們對音樂的知識。

聖保羅男女中學 - Virtuoso

We might not be virtuosos, but we aspire to be. We strive to make music together, and in the process serve others and have tremendous fun. We find a cappella a wonderful form of creative expression. All of us have been singing in a one form or another, but we have not discovered the wonderfulness of the human voice until we joined this group. The experience really drove home the saying “Your voice is an instrument”. We also fell in love with the process of arranging and performing together. Throughout the past month or so, we brainstormed ideas, added to our arrangement, sang and listened, and revised, and did it again. Listening to a song and figuring out who sang which part was genuinely fun. There is also the deep satisfaction that comes when you feel the goosebumps and feelings at specific touchy moments and points in the song. There is nothing better than singing a new song and sounding beautiful, and doing it together with talented friends. We thoroughly enjoy the bonding that is forged after weeks of rehearsals and working together. We long to impart the joy that we experienced to our audience, through our every note and every move!

聖保羅男女中學 - Euphoria

看見我們的隊名,你可能會問: 這個不熟悉的英文字,到底是什麼意思? 其實,”Euphoria”是指一種令人欣快的安樂感,或是陶醉感,而這個名字就準確地表達了我們17人在台上唱歌時那種愉悅,安逸的心情。 作為聖保羅男女中學初級合唱團的成員,我們都對這個團隊有滿滿的歸屬感,共享這對唱歌和改編歌曲的熱情。唱歌對我們來講不只是一個課外活動,而是我們一群有著共同興趣的人一起向同一目標進發,一起努力,奮鬥到底。 雖然我們只是中二和中三的初中生,但是我們絕不會輕易放棄,仍然會做到最好,搏盡無悔。

聖保羅男女中學 - Ukiyo

Halford E. Luccock once said, “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” This quote might not be exactly referring to a capella, but team Ukiyo certainly agrees with the limitless achievements of performing music in a group. Ukiyo consists of 14 Form 4 students from St. Paul’s Co-educational College who share the same fervent passion for making music. The name ‘Ukiyo’ is a Japanese word, referring to seeking enjoyment, and together, they aim to achieve joy from singing and performing in a cappella. All members of Ukiyo are experienced choral singers; although the field of a cappella is relatively new to them, they still hope to explore the new domain of music-making and create new sounds with their passion and techniques. To start off the performance, Ukiyo will perform “Evolution of Boy Bands”, a medley consisting of different songs performed by world-renowned boybands through the decades, from 70s classics, “I Want You Back” by the Jackson 5, to 90s pleasures like “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys, and even to modern hits such as “What Makes You Beautiful” by One Direction. Ukiyo hopes to light up the atmosphere in the auditorium and let the audience join in the excitement of the performance by singing songs from their youth, regardless of their generation. Following the cheerful medley will be Ukiyo’s take on a tribute to a song considered as one of the most legendary songs of all time, a song with exceptional influence to the world of music. They will be performing “Bohemian Rhapsody” originally by Queen, adapted for a cappella groups. The classic freely expresses singer-songwriter Freddie Mercury’s inner world, as he explores his insecurities and struggles between himself and the society’s constrictions, and concludes on a light note: “nothing really matters”. A combination of different genres such as ballad, opera, rock and with different vocal elements and styles, this song showcases the group’s flexibility and ability. Music is an unremovable part of life to all members of Ukiyo. They’ve worked hard in sculpturing the best performance for the audience with numerous practices, often lasting till late at night, all for sharing their love and passion for making music, and wishing to bring glee to the audience.

聖士提反書院 - The Gents

“Passionate, honest and pure in intention. A joy to watch.” Hong Kong International Acappella Contest 2017 Established in 2017, the Gents consists of boys from St. Stephen’s College with huge enthusiasm in singing acappella music. The group has attained gold award in the Hong Kong International Acappella Contest 2017 (heat) shortly two months after its inception. This year the group decided to step it up by performing entirely self-arranged acappella music to bring you the best of St. Stephen’s College boys.


  • 聖士提反書院 - Prayers
  • 九龍華仁書院 - Intrepid
  • 基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學 - Acappellies
  • 五育中學 - Leap Singers
  • 基督教香港信義會元朗信義中學 - Basel

聖士提反書院 - Prayers

“Expressive and touching performance. Excellent emotion” Hong Kong International Acappella Contest 2018 Previously known as Seven Dollars, Prayers consists of senior students of St Stephen’s College Choir who are passionate about singing acappella music, and spent most their post-choir-rehearsal time and lunch time singing popular music arrangements in every corner of our 15 acre large campus. With the inclusion of an extra vocal percussionist this year, the group managed to spice up their performances with the luxury of two bass-vocal percussionist. This year being in the final of Hong Kong International Acappella Contest once again, the group will perform their favourite arrangements for you, which they have sung days and nights in Stanley.

九龍華仁書院 - Intrepid

Intrepid係由五位中三既成員成立 無諗過過左兩年 佢地竟然搖身一變,變成中五既學生啦! 過去兩年佢地都參加過唔少比賽同表演 希望可以能夠用純男聲 帶給聽眾前所未有既享受同體驗

基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學 - Acappellies


五育中學 - Leap Singers

Leap Singers 來自五育中學一班熱愛唱歌的中五中六同學,我們喜歡參與不同的演出,喜歡將歡樂及笑聲帶給觀眾,亦驅使我們慢慢走進諧星路線,演唱多首經典的串燒歌,我們每天花很多時間練習,以努力去彌補音樂上的不足,期望大家能夠看到我們的飛躍進步,感受我們在舞台上的熱情,亦在我們歡樂的歌聲中找到一點共鳴,一絲溫暖。
WhatsApp Image 2018-03-15 at 4.34.13 PM

基督教香港信義會元朗信義中學 - Basel

Basel is an a cappella team of seven secondary school students who have shown enthusiasm for a cappella music. The team was set up in August 2017. The members include Gordon Lau, Jerry Chan, Jeffery Tse, Dennis Cheung, Katherine Lo, Natalie Kwok and Sophia Lam. The name of the team “Basel” is transcribed from the Cantonese pronunciation of “the number of bars”, which implies that each member of the team is like a bar in a song and no one will be left behind. At the same time, the team hopes to convey positive energy through every bar of their music and share the joy of a cappella accomplishment. Most of the songs in Basel’s performances are arranged by the members. The genre of music range from pop to classical. Since Basel was set up, they have been invited to perform at the Hong Kong Acappella Parade of the 2018 Hong Kong International Acappella Festival, Acappella concert of the Arts Festival Yuen Long, Christmas Celebration Carnival of the South Tin Shui Wai and the Yuen Long District Civic Education Carnival and Prize Presentation Ceremony etc.


  • Scom 人聲樂團 (Shanghai)
  • Dominant 7 (Taiwan)
  • Tension NOTE (Japan)
  • Burgundy Blue (Australia)
  • Resound 理想人聲 (Guangzhou)
  • Mosaic (HK)
  • Astrafellas (The Philippines)
  • VocalBomb (HK)
  • AMuiXis -AMX (HK)

Scom 人聲樂團 (Shanghai)

上海Scom 人声乐团成立于2017 年9 月,由上海音乐学院声歌系高木梓老师 任艺术总监,乐团成员均为上海音乐学院本科在读学生,由贺婉婷,毛曦臻,曾 順臻、王博文,艾克拜尔·艾尼外尔和徐明翰六位同学组成,Scom 下属上海音乐 学院阿卡贝拉社团。2017 年11 月,参加“上海音乐学院90 周年校庆”系列演 出,并为通俗版校庆作品《上音,我的爱》的录音。2017 年12 月,乐团成员徐 明翰获得上海日月光“阿卡之星”音乐大赛“最佳人声打击”奖;2018 年月6 月, 全国第八届阿卡贝拉比赛上海赛区获得“银奖”;2018 年7 月,在北京举行的第 十四届国际合唱比赛中,获得A 级合唱团以及流行爵士组第一名的成绩,并以十 佳合唱团的资格进入总决赛。2018 年7 月,荣获第三届黄龙国际音乐节重唱组 “金奖”。Scom 是一个充满活力的团体,希望秉承多元音乐文化的态度,尽可能 多的接触不同风格、不同类别的作品,与朋友们一起享受“阿卡贝拉”带来的快乐

Dominant 7 (Taiwan)

雖然有著不同的過去,但現在我們都因為擁有同樣的理想和興趣而聚集在一起,由七個人所組成的純人聲無伴奏樂團,將用屬於自己的歌聲與更多人分享音樂的感動與喜樂。 Dominant7 is a group whose members are as unstable and out of control as the chord they are named after. Loaded with an arsenal of tritones and corny jokes, the troupe of 7 will attempt to entertain you through their voices and their music.

Tension NOTE (Japan)

Konnichiwa! Pleased to meet you, we’re Tension NOTE. We are a group singing at a Japanese University in Iwate. Iwate Prefecture is located in north of Japan, and it is cold region with temperatures of minus 10 degrees in winter. You can enjoy skiing and snowboarding, skating and curling there. In addition, There are lots of hot springs to warm. It is very comfortable. A cappella contest is held in Morioka-Iwate. This contest is called “A cappella Battle in Morioka(MORIBATO)". This is gathering from the universities in the north of Japan. We Tension NOTE won the championship in this contest. So we qualified for 2018 Hong Kong International a cappella Contest. By the way, do you know “sukiyaki song”? This is sung by Sakamoto Kyu. He was Japanese singer and became famous in 1963 all over the world. We will sing the Sakamoto Kyu’s songs by Jazz Arrange. We want to spread good old Japanese music. We are looking forward to vist Hong Kong and sing there !

Burgundy Blue (Australia)

Burgundy Blue is a dynamic vocal quintet that has recently burst onto the Melbourne A Cappella scene. After meeting each other through the various choirs and groups at The University of Melbourne and beyond, Burgundy Blue formed in early 2016. Following back-to-back 2nd place finishes in the National Finals of the AUSACA Australian A Cappella Championships in 2016/17 as well as the Audience Favourite award both years, they’re striving for even greater heights this year with their complex arrangements, well-rounded harmonies and boundless enthusiasm. Though all the members hail from very different fields in terms of musical background and tertiary study, their combined passion for choral singing and their love of tight harmonies has united them and heightened their creativity. Over the last year Burgundy Blue has been working on developing a unique sound and creating an identity as a group. Highlights have included a workshop with the internationally acclaimed The King’s Singers, various charity performances and live videos. Burgundy Blue are thrilled to have this opportunity to sing in Hong Kong to represent Australia and cannot wait to share their positive energy and love of music with all.

Resound 理想人聲 (Guangzhou)


Mosaic (HK)

Mosaic is the premier A Cappella group based in The University of Hong Kong and comprises of students from different faculties and years of studies. The name “Mosaic” was chosen to capture the very nature of the group – individual uniqueness harmonized into pieces of lively, spirited music. Established in 2006, Mosaic is the first collegiate A Cappella group in HK to organise its own large-scale concerts and has been very active in the Hong Kong choral scene, staging numerous performances on and off campus, and in various competitions. Today, Mosaic will be bringing to you two songs of different language and genre - “Almost Like Being In Love” as a jazzy English piece, and “Pop Star” as an energetic Japanese piece. Once again, Mosaic’s members would like to the fill the stage with passion and delight. Please sit back and enjoy!

Astrafellas (The Philippines)

STRONG, POWERFUL and BOLD – Astrafellas is an all-male contemporary a cappella group from Baguio City, which started as a beatbox-less barbershop a cappella quartet in 2014. They began their journey when they became part of the internationally acclaimed choral group The Saint Louis University Glee Club. Now, the group is composed of an engineer, a medical technologist, a radiological technologist, and two graduating students who enjoy singing jazz, ballad and pop songs altogether. From the group’s name, these men sing to make the Cordillera and Filipino race proud both as young “constellations” that form a harmonious sound and as “fellow” musicians who share the same passion through the distinct voices they possess. Astrafellas has been actively participating in various endeavors in the field of a cappella since 2016. In their first competition, the group bagged the Best Arrangement Award and emerged as the Grand Champion in the international contemporary a cappella arrangement and performance competition Akapela Open 2016, which is spearheaded by The Music School of Ryan Cayabyab. They also recently placed 2nd among 10 of this generation’s best a cappella groups in the Philippines in the same competition, which is now known as Akapela Open International 2018. Finally, Astrafellas was hailed the newest Grand Champion in the 2018 Combi Dance-Cappella Nation as they proved that they are not only capable of singing a cappella in tune, but they can also put the stage on fire with their finesse and swag. For years, Astrafellas has shown their caliber and tenacity in the contemporary a cappella scene and continue to thrive even more towards learning and taking bigger steps to achieving their dreams.

VocalBomb (HK)

Vocalbomb一名不僅代表在曲風上,隊伍比較擅長具爆發性的演繹和處理節拍感較強的歌曲,更表達希望透過無伴奏合唱震撼人心,以音樂感動人的理想。 雖然只是成立短短兩年,卻是青協無伴奏合唱比賽的活躍參與者。剛成立之初,就在2016年度的比賽,晉身中學組決賽,更在去年奪得中學組冠軍的殊榮。

AMuiXis -AMX

AMuiXis (AMX) 全名為A cappella Music miX,意指透過無伴奏合唱音樂為歌曲帶來新的詮釋,希望以音樂讓更多人走出社區,分享箇中的樂趣。 AMX有幸與不同藝術家合作,其中2015年獲邀與視障音樂家蕭凱恩於《沒有牆的世界V》活動中合作,同年亦獲著名無伴奏合唱隊伍一舖清唱邀請參與DFS聖誕無伴奏合唱表演。AMX亦積極參與各項大型活動,包括2016及17年香港國際無伴奏合唱節《國際無伴奏馬拉松音樂會》及《2017國際阿卡貝拉音樂藝術節》。


2018 香港國際無伴奏合唱比賽(決賽) 得獎名單
2018HKIACC  Winner List 

中學組:合唱小組 School Choir Ensemble 
最佳舞台演繹獎 Best Presentation Award

最佳編曲獎 Best Arrangement Award
聖保羅男女中學-Virtuoso “Mamma Mia Mashup”

冠軍 Champion

中學組:人聲樂團 School Vocal Band
最佳舞台演繹獎 Best Presentation Award
St Stephen's College-Prayers

最佳編曲獎 Best Arrangement Award
基督教香港信義會元朗信義中學-Basel “Geronimo”
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School-Basel “Geronimo”

冠軍 Champion
St Stephen's College-Prayers

公開組:人聲樂團(香港)Open Vocal Band (Hong Kong) 
冠軍 Champion

公開組:人聲樂團(國際)Open Vocal Band (International)
最佳舞台演繹獎 Best Presentation Award
Astrafellas (The Philippines)

最佳編曲獎 Best Arrangement Award
Dominant 7(Taiwan)《別找我麻煩》

冠軍 Champion
Astrafellas (The Philippines) & Dominant 7 (Taiwan)




$120/ $80*
*全日制學生/ 60歲或以上的高齡人士/ 殘疾人士及看護人*/ 綜合社會保障援助受惠人 (優惠門票$80)

查詢:2395 5753(甘小姐)