2018 香港國際無伴奏合唱節表演嘉賓

Hong Kong International a cappella Festival Guest Performers


In the increasingly popular world of a cappella singing groups, Accent has carved out its own niche. Inspired by the wizardly jazz harmonies of TAKE 6 and, before them, The Hi-Lo’s, the six men of Accent, all of them accomplished arrangers and instrumentalists in their own right, decided to take their love of close-harmony jazz singing – the denser and more intricate the better – as far as it could go. Accent is six singers/arrangers, all of whom have considerable musical careers in their home countries: Jean-Baptiste (“JB”) Craipeau (France) – tenor 1; Simon Åkesson (Sweden) – tenor 2; Danny Fong (Canada) – tenor 3; Andrew Kesler (Canada) – tenor 4; James Rose (United Kingdom) – baritone; and Evan Sanders (USA) – bass. Having originally met and recorded together via the Internet, they have since come together to record and tour, becoming an international vocal supergroup. 


縱有越來越多無伴奏歌唱組合出現, Accent 憑其獨特演繹,成功闖出一片天。深受兩隊無伴奏界前輩TAKE 6The Hi-Lo’s啟發,Accent編曲滿帶著趣怪的爵士和聲,加上成員均有深厚無伴奏編曲及樂器背景,隊伍定當竭盡所能,在台上展現出他們熱愛的爵士樂細膩和弦。Accent 由六名歌手/編曲者組成,各人在自己的家鄉均已建立亮眼的音樂事業,成員包括男高音一 Jean-Baptiste (“JB”) Craipeau(法國)、男高音二 Simon Åkesson(瑞典)、男高音三 Danny Fong(加拿大)、男高音四 Andrew Kesler(加拿大)、男中音 James Rose(英國)及男低音 Evan Sanders(美國)。六人本是在網上合作,因製作出的跨國音樂錄像製作獲得一致好評,決定聚首為作品錄音及於各地巡迴演出,成為了一隊國際知名人聲組合。

The Apex Project (Singapore 新加坡)

The Apex Project is a fresh faced award-winning a cappella group from Singapore that performs a pop/ jazz repertoire with a theatrical twist. The first a cappella group in Singapore to successfully crowdfund their debut EP titled ADAM on Kickstarter, THE APEX PROJECT has performed all across Asia and has their sights set on music festivals across the region.

新加坡新晉得獎無伴奏合唱組合 The Apex Project 擅長流行及爵士曲目,配合如行雲流水般之舞台演繹。他們是新加坡首隊於 Kickstarter 眾籌平台成功以集資形式發行首隻迷你專輯《ADAM》的無伴奏合唱組合,隨即開始亞洲區之演出,並放眼各地之音樂節。

The Nor'easters (US 美國)

The Nor'easters are a co-ed a Cappella group from Northeastern University in Boston. As the oldest group on campus, the Nor'easters strive to maintain the highest standards of musicality, while keeping their fun- loving family spirit alive. They had the honor of being named ICCA champions in 2013 and 2017, and Wildcard champions in 2015. They have performed all over the world, including the White House for the President and First Lady's Christmas Gala, as well as Australia to promote PopTV's reality docu-series, "Sing It On." This past year, the group focused its energies on creating its sixth studio album, COLLECTIVE, Vol. 1 which served as the follow up to their award-winning album, RISE released in 2016.

男女混聲無伴奏隊伍 The Nor'easters成立於美國波士頓的東北大學 (Northeastern University) ,作為校內最資深之音樂團體,The Nor’easters一方面致力維持成員有高水平的音樂造詣,同時又傳承了活潑愛玩的家族精神。他們於國際學院式無伴奏合唱錦標賽 (ICCA) 成績斐然,曾於2015 年榮獲 Wildcard 冠軍,及於 2013 年和 2017 年奪得總冠軍。隊伍有豐富演出經驗,舞台已遍佈全球,包括於美國白宮聖誕晚會上為總統及第一夫人獻唱及於澳洲PopTV電視台為國際知名無伴奏節目《Sing It On》寫實紀錄片作宣傳。2016 年The Nor’easters憑無伴奏專輯《RISE》獲得美國當代無伴奏協會頒發最佳專業學院類編曲及最佳混聲學院類樂曲,過去一年他們專注製作第六張錄音室專輯《COLLECTIVE, Vol. 1》作為後續,並成功於2017年12月推出。

HKFYG The Hong Kong Melody Makers    (HK 香港)

The Hong Kong Melody Makers (HKMM) is a youth choir established in 2004 by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups with sponsorship from The Dragon Foundation. Its aims are to reflect Hong Kong's vivacity and give voice to the city's cosmopolitan spirit. Choir members are dynamic young people with outstanding artistic talent. Their shared passion for music can benefit the entire community and enrich Hong Kong's cultural life by promoting choral and a cappella music.

HKMM is well-known for its numerous vocal bands, which perform styles such as vocal jazz and pop in a smaller group setting. They have been invited to represent Hong Kong overseas, and have performed in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, China, Taiwan and Macau, and have participated in Arts Festivals in Auckland, Perth, Qingdao and Shenzhen. In 2014 Incheon World A Cappella Competition, HKMM was awarded “Best Vocal” in recognition of their exceptional performance. In 2009, they won the “Golden Harmony Award” (first place), the “Best Vocal” award and the award for “Best Arrangement” at the 3rd Asian Youth a cappella Singing Competition in South Korea. HKMM is honoured to be guest performer at the Opening Ceremony of the 40th Hong Kong Arts Festival, and have twice been invited to perform in TEDx. They have also worked with artists including Eason Chan, Hanjin Tan, Ivana Wong, Kay Tse, Chet Lam, Hins Cheung, Khalil Fong, Justin Lo, Robynn and Kendy, James Ng, Peco Chui, Yao Jue, Jonathan Wong and Bianca Wu.


香港旋律特設多個無伴奏人聲樂團,以小組形式作無伴奏清唱,演出曲目範圍廣泛,例如爵士樂、流行歌曲及民歌等。小組成員曾獲邀代表香港到不同地區表演,包括澳洲、紐西蘭、日本、南韓、越南、中國、台灣及澳門,並參與奧克蘭、珀斯、青島及深圳的藝術節,更於「2014仁川世界無伴奏合唱比賽」獲得「最佳聲樂」殊榮,以及於2009年於南韓舉行的「第三屆亞洲青年無伴奏合唱大賽」取得空前成功,勇奪「金獎」、「最佳聲樂」及「最佳編曲」三大獎項。香港旋律幸獲香港藝術節之邀請,於藝術節40周年開幕儀式擔任表演嘉賓,並曾兩度出任TEDx嘉賓。香港旋律亦曾與陳奕迅、陳奐仁、王菀之、謝安琪、林一峰、張敬軒、方大同、側田、Robynn and Kendy、吳業坤、徐偉賢、姚珏、王梓軒及胡琳等合作。


Boonfaysau 半肥瘦

“Boonfaysau”, a.k.a. BFS, is a group of 8 alumni of HKU’s student A Cappella group Mosaic. We may not have a professional musical background, but we do have our passion for singing, arrangements born from countless mistakes, and throats that endure vocal abuse. Shortly after Boonfaysau was established, we have participated in several A Cappella competitions, claiming the Overall Championship in the Asia A Cappella Festival 2017 & Championship (Open Division - Vocal Band (Hong Kong)) in the 2017 Hong Kong International A Cappella Contest. However, all of these accomplishments pale in comparison to the immeasurable delight of having you enjoy our music, just as how people enjoy “Boonfaysau Cha-siu”. Please sit back, and hope you enjoy BFS singing!

「半肥瘦」,又稱Boonfaysau/ BFS,由八位香港大學無伴奏合唱組合Mosaic的前團員組成。團員們無任何專業音樂背景,有的只是很想繼續唱歌的心願、無數次錯誤中學習的編曲作品,還有經過一輪鬼吼鬼叫後居然還能唱歌的喉嚨。承蒙大家厚愛,半肥瘦成立短短約半年已經奪得亞洲無伴奏合唱節全場總冠軍及香港國際無伴奏合唱比賽(香港)總冠軍!但相比奪獎,他們更希望他們的音樂能像半肥瘦的叉燒一樣受大家歡迎。